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We are delighted that our Zero Waste Catering Lab Project has garnered such positive reception within the Slovenian local community. Consequently, our partner school, SIC Alma M. Karlin (formerly SŠGT Celje), received an esteemed invitation from the municipality of Laško to partake in the 5th Local Food Market, hosted at the prestigious Thermana Laško congress center. This year's overarching theme, advocating for minimal food waste, resonated deeply with our ethos.

The event proved instrumental in forging connections with some new local providers eager to join our platform. This development brings us immense satisfaction as we firmly believe that fostering sustainable partnerships with local food producers is indispensable for the future of catering and tourism.

During the professional segment of the event, Greta Jenček eloquently presented the project alongside exemplars of best practices implemented at their school, aligning seamlessly with the event's central theme.
Visitors were treated to one of our captivating videos featuring Mia Hafner expertly crafting a delectable dessert comprising roasted apples and caramelized walnuts nestled in mascarpone cream. The delightful treat was not only showcased but also savored by attendees post-event, adding a flavorful conclusion to an enriching experience.

Created by
Zero Waste Catering LAB | 2021-1- HR01-KA220-VET-000025338
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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