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On Thursday, January 18, a zero-waste workshop took place at Slava Raškaj Education Center, involving students from
the cook program and from Ugostiteljsko-turističko učilište school. The workshop aimed to educate participants about
the concept of zero waste and its practice in their professional field.

The workshop began with a theoretical session, guiding students on ways to reduce waste in hotels, restaurants, and
catering (HORECA) by sourcing sustainable ingredients (local, organic, eco-friendly cooking methods, and implementing
effective waste management seasonal), minimizing storage waste, controlling food quantities, adopting illustrate how to
organize a kitchen to minimize waste and to show a concrete practices (donation, composting, etc.). Pedagogical videos
were used to example, the Zagreb's Oaza restaurant, showcasing their zero-waste kitchen practices.

Moving on to the practical session, students cooked zero-waste vegetarian burgers. Different stations were set up,
covering tasks like fresh vegetable cutting, sauce preparation, vegetable steak crafting, and burger assembly.

Each student got the chance to build their own burger, predominantly composed of vegetables, resulting in minimal
waste—mostly organic scraps like peels and eggshells, suitable for composting.

Bravo to the students for crafting delicious vegetarian, zero-waste burgers !

By actively involving students in the process, the workshop helped understand the importance of adopting zero-waste
principles in the cooking industry. This experience highlights the future positive change within the catering sector as the
upcoming generation of chefs becomes increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their cooking choices.

Created by
Zero Waste Catering LAB | 2021-1- HR01-KA220-VET-000025338
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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